Are you exhausted and ready to sleep again?

Rest easy, sleep is in your future.

As a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach®, I help tired parents sleep again using gentle, holistic, and proven pediatric sleep solutions rooted in attachment and neuroscience.

Sleep Consulting

  • Brand New

    Learn what to expect for infant sleep in the fourth trimester, as well as bond-strengthening practices, routine recommendations, soothing techniques, and specific guidance on how to lay a solid sleep foundation so your baby never needs sleep coaching.

  • 4 ½–6 Months

    You’ve survived the exhaustion of the early months, and now you’re ready to start sleeping again. Learn how to time your baby’s wake windows, establish a routine conducive to better sleep, identify developmental milestones that may disrupt sleep, and gently shape your baby’s sleep habits.

  • 6 Months–6 Years

    Whether you’re the tired parent of a baby, a toddler, or an older child, learn how to reach your sleep goals through effective, gentle sleep training, using a highly customized sleep plan created with your family, your child’s temperament, and your sleep goals in mind and keeping tears to an absolute minimum.

I am an in-the-trenches mom of three little ones, and I’ve been where you are—exhausted, depleted, and trying my best to be the present, joyful, gentle parent my kids deserve. But can we be honest? It’s hard when you’re running on fumes. But rest easy, sleep is possible. And best of all, you don’t have to resort to cry-it-out methods to get the sleep you and your little one need. Drawing on my extensive training in sleep science, attachment theory, and childhood development—as well as years of experience supporting exhausted parents—I offer gentle, effective, and highly customized sleep solutions to get you all sleeping again. Read more.

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